Dive into the world of webtoons and Korean manhwa comics
My goal is to share my passion for Korean manhwa, specifically webtoons. You can expect a diverse offering of introduction into webtoon basics, more advanced knowledge, the closely related Korean culture, webtoon recommendations, tips & hacks, tutorials and more! I hope you enjoy your time on webtoon.city, if you have any feedback or questions, feel free to write a comment or hit me up via email at [email protected].
Webtoon Basics
What's the difference between a manhwa and manga or manhua?
Manhwa = webtoon?
When starting out as a novice to Korean manhwa, you're bound to encounter these or similar questions. Get to know manhwa and learn more about them!
Let's start off with a small FAQ covering the most important basics.
To learn more about webtoons & manhwa, visit the Basics page, for advanced information, you should visit the webtoon.city "Knowledge Base"
While both are generally similar, and could both be counted as sub-variants of comics, there is a subtle but noteworthy difference between manga & manhwa. Most people already know manga, Japanese comics, often used as source material for anime, have been popular in the west for a while now. Manhwa on the other hand originate in Korea, and are mostly released as fully colored panels, in stark contrast to Japanese manga which are most often still black and white.
There are also further difference between the two, which will be covered in depth here.
Yes and no, while all webtoons are manhwa, not all manhwa are webtoons. The difference between the two can be summarized as: The term “Manhwa” encapsulates both print and digital forms of media, while webtoons exclusively refer to digitally published content.
Knowledge Base
What's the best place to read webtoons? Is it possible to learn Korean through manhwa? Why does this or that cliche/stereotype exist?
I'll try to answer as many of your questions about webtoons and manhwas, I'll try to provide some information on mangas & manhuas too.
most recentWebtoon Recommendations
Webtoons, also known as manhwa in Korea, are a form of digital comics that are taking the world by storm over the last couple of years. Originating from South Korea, webtoons, also called manhwa, have redefined the way we can experience and enjoy visual narratives. Unlike traditional manga, webtoons are specifically designed to be read on digital platforms, allowing artists to create colored panels for every chapter, offering a more seamless and immersive reading experience (also being colored).
Long After the Ending: From Villainess to Love Guru
Manhwa vs Manga
Manhwa, in contrast to Japanese manga, which classically are black and white, stand out for their vivid, full-color illustrations that breathe life into every panel. Another awesome aspect of webtoons is their insane release schedule. Many artists release chapters on a weekly (!!!) basis, feeding us a lot of new content to read over the stretch of each season. This level of dedication is on par with the Japanese mangaka, making the reading experience a great time.
Tips, Hacks & Tutorials
Of course there are a lot of things you'll figure out as you go along your webtoon/manhwa journey. Some of them are fairly obvious, some are entirely taste related and others need to be experienced through suffering. My goal is to provide you with as many resources as I can, in order to keep the fu***** suffering to a minimum.
Learn more about the world of webtoons, and how to make your reading experience and everything around it as smooth and pleasant as possible!
Webtoon Blog
Some topics can't be classified into any of the other categories, that doesn't make them any less important though. With this in mind, the blog primarily serves as a place to cover all of these topics, but also other miscellaneous things like opinion based write ups, video recommendations or plain rants.